Are you a fan of cartoonist Nathan W. Pyle? Have you ever heard of Strange Planet? If you are not familiar with either, here is some additional information from Pyle’s website, (notice that it’s .art, NOT .com).
Nathan W. Pyle is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Strange Planet, Stranger Planet, NYC Basic Tips and Etiquette, and 99 Stories I Could Tell. He is based in NYC with his wife, Taylor, but travels the country speaking about creativity and storytelling.
I’ll be honest, I have never heard of him before, or Strange Planet. Being a blogger has been a wonderful experience because I’ve been able to learn about new things, and people, such as Pyle and Strange Planet.
I received two Strange Planet books to check out and review.
Strange Planet: The Sneaking, Hiding, Vibrating Creature
This is a funny book. The aliens are tasked with observing a cat that resides in the home with them. They don’t know it’s a cat. Thy just think it’s a strange creature that vibrates (when it’s purring).
I love how Pyle refers to things in different ways. For example, it’s not a bed but a “resting slab.” A pen is referring to as an “ink cylinder.” A pancake is a “flopper,” and maple syrup is “sweet sauce.”
I found the text to be very comical and I enjoyed seeing every day things called by a different name.
The illustrations are cute and funny. Here are a few pages.
This is a “family friendly” book, meaning it’s fine for both children and adults. It’s easy reading for children, and parents would enjoy the strange names given to every day objects.
When I am done with my reviews, especially books, I donate the to the program I work in. We have a little library that I set up. The kids are welcome to take any of the books and keep them (or they can bring them back if they really wanted to). When I brought this book (and the other one I’ll review in a minute), BOTH books disappeared that day. One of my work kids took them both home.
Strange Planet Activity Book
This is a fun activity book for children. Adults can enjoy this book. It’s geared towards 8-12 year olds, but I think younger children can do some of the activities too.
This book is filled with fun activities such as matching games, word searches, spot the difference, crossword puzzles, mazes and more.
The book features the same Plye illustrations.
In the above photo you can see some of the names the alien use to name everyday objects in our homes, such as
“heat blaster” (oven/stove) and “rollsuck” (vacuum). Ha Ha.
The activities are interesting and I like that the book features the same illustrations from the other book, so there is some sort of a continuity.
Both of these books are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other retail locations.
If you are interested in learning more about these books, or other Nathan W. Pyle books, visit (remember the .art extension).
.Mr. Pyle can also be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Those links are found on the top left of the author’s website.
*I received free books to review. There was no compensation. The opinions expressed are my own and not influence din anyway.